New Character Sheets are Here!

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New Character Sheets are Here!

Please help support SigTrent Games by picking up our new Everyday Heroes compatible character sheets!

I’ve filled out hundreds of EDH character sheets at this point, and like pebbles in a shoe, certain features started to drive me a bit crazy. I really wanted a new sheet, but it was not a priority. Now that I have my own company, I decided to make it a priority before I have to fill out 100 more!

What makes these Hero Sheets special?

  • Customizations for each of the six Archetypes
  • Prefilled archetype talents for quicker character creation
  • Origin, Contacts, and Companions are included
  • Optimized organization and visual flow for faster building and playing
  • Auto-calc forms for the most repetitive fields like skill bonuses and ability score modifiers
  • Separate files optimized for printing and e-form use
  • An extra skill line to support magical and futuristic skill options
  • Clearer labels and a exciting design
  • 2, 4, and single page packages for maximum flexibility
  • A secret easter egg to find!

Why we are selling them

Why are we charging five buicks for our new character sheets? The main reason is to raise money for our next project. The strategy for SigTrent Games is to build the company from the ground up. The character sheets were something Anne and I could do with just our hard work and a small software purchace. The money we raise will go towards buying art for the next project which will let us run a kickstarter or otherwise pre-sel the next project. So, not only do you get great character sheets, but the more sales we get, the more ambitious we can be with our next project.

While we are selling these sheets, there is a license that encourages you to share them with others you play with. We only ask that if they also want more great stuff from SigTrent Games, that they consider buying a pack to share as well.

Get them here!

You can grab then now here on SigTrent Games:

Or get them on DriveThruRPG: <Coming Soon>