What is it?
The Netbook of Feats is a project started in 2000 with the release of the Open Gaming License by Wizards of the Coast. It was retired in 2008 with the release of 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons as Wizards discontinued publishing its rules as open gaming content and feats were a smaller part of the rules.
The Netbook of Feats strove to be the best collection of feats for use with D&D or games based on its rules by way of the SRD. It took submissions from anyone in the D&D community. These submissions were rated and reviewed by a panel of rules experts who then worked with the author to improve and refine their work. Feats that passed this review and editing process were then published in the NBOF.
The Netbook of Feats ended up inspiring many other netbook projects and the feats from it were included in numerous other third party OGL books and publications over the years. A number of authors publishing in the Netbook of Feats for the first time went on to have success in the wider world of RPG writing, editing, and publishing.
What’s Here?
SigTrent Games preserves the final versions of the Netbook of Feats, as well as an OGL version of the original 5e Feats for posterity and for its many authors. Use the menu to find and read about the Netbook of Feats, its history, its principles, and to read the final versions for various versions of the d20 system.